A big win for taxpayers teachers students and parents in region one

A win for parents and taxpayers, this is just the beginning…

Dear Students & Parents of Housatonic Valley Regional High School,I am writing to inform you that changes have been made to our informational meeting scheduled for tomorrow evening when we will be discussing grading practices. We initially planned on hosting two sessions tomorrow, but have decided to condense it into one. This meeting will be held on Tuesday February 6, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in Room 133 at the High School.There has also been a change in the agenda for this meeting. Our scheduled speaker, Dr. Douglas Reeves, will not be speaking at this presentation. Unfortunately, there were a few concerns regarding his past history; therefore, a decision was made to have HVRHS Principle Dr. Jose Martinez, along with HVRHS Assistant Principal, Mr. Ian Strever, present the information on the new grading system and explain how students are given every opportunity to achieve and demonstrate success as they move forward in school and in life. There will also be information presented on the implementation of a retake policy for assessments that are “Not Yet Proficient”.Arrangements have been made for a professional facilitator to attend this meeting. Ann Baldwin, a consultant from CABE (Connecticut Association of Boards of Education) will be there to ensure we are not only efficient in communicating on this topic, but also that any and all questions from those attending are answered.HVRHS and Region One administrators will be there to listen, as well as to do our best to provide responses to questions either at the meeting or shortly thereafter.Because there has been some misinformation circulating throughout the school community, this will allow us to present facts, as well as serve as an opportunity for parents and students to ask questions and hear first-hand the way in which HVRHS staff – teachers and administrators – are supporting student learning.Our goal is to have a meaningful dialogue on what is being done to improve student learning at HVRHS and to focus on what measures are being taken to make students successful. We hope that in the end, each student can look back on their education at HVRHS as the reason they are moving on with an education that not only made them career ready, but also shaped them into valued members of our community.We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night. Light refreshments will be served.


Dr. Pam Vogel, Superintendent

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