If someone in Region One did not see this coming, then we are far worse off than we think….another embarrassment for Region One. Reply

Letter to the editor of the Republican-American this morning (Saturday May 18)

College choices are not everything

This is in response to the May 9 story “Housy Leader Defends School.”

Matthew Harnett, principal of Housatonic Valley Regional High School, noted that three of the seniors at his school have been admitted to Ivy League schools. He added that Hotchkiss School has fewer seniors set to attend Ivy League schools.
We do not judge the quality of our program simply on where our students go to college, and are proud that our graduates attend a diverse group of colleges, nationally and internationally. That said, I feel obligated to report that more than 30 of our seniors will attend Ivy League institutions.

Rick Hazelton


The writer is director of College Advising at the Hotchkiss School.