Our Apology And Retraction Of A Story…. 3

One is never so perfect that they can’t apologize when an egregious mistake has been made…

On  July 24, 2018 Region One Report ran a story with court information that has turned out to be in error.  The story was not a story, but it was a court report on an incident at a Kohls store. The Alicia Roy, Plaintiff WAS NOT the current Principal at North Canaan Elementary School. Our headline for the court document was the following :

North Canaan..a little insight on your new principal…buyer beware


That post has now been deleted.

We have been notified by the letter attached that the court documents are for a different Alicia Roy, not the current Principal in North Canaan.

While we at Region One Report have every right to question the selection and leadership abilities of a public servant, we also have the duty to make sure our facts are accurate..and for the first time since we began publishing on-line in March of 2012, one of our sources supplied us with incorrect information. Even just one story that incorrectly impacts the reputation and stature of an individual is one to many.  At this time, we at Region One Report, and I, Marshall Miles offer a heartfelt apology for publishing that court document, with the headline indicating the document pertained to Dr. Roy at North Canaan Elementary School. It’s a mistake that should not have happened, and hopefully will not happen again. Had we been appraised of this earlier, we would have apologized earlier. That post is being deleted, and this post and apology will remain on The Region One Report for more than three months as indicated in the letter from Dr. Roy. Our mistake should be available for all to see, and as a reminder to all of the consequences of incorrect information and words have.

Dr.Roy, and all members of the North Canaan Board Of Education please accept our apology on this matter.  And an apology to the residents of North Canaan as well.

Marshall Miles for Region One Report

(see letter from Dr. Roy attached)IMG-2431).



  1. WOOOOW,,,,,,,Great move to re-healing, and a positive action to reviewing goods towards untrue actuations. Let the pass be done, and re-kick start with clean slate. Good Luck!

  2. Marshall. Your honorable act of removing the post (and other acts I am aware of ) – speaks volumes about your character. Likewise, Roy’s choice to go “adversarial” over this silliness offers insight into her judgment.

  3. The link below is to an article that is an emblematic example of Roy and her personal compass. What person, what woman, what mandated reporter would allow such harassment to be enabled. Further, what human being would ever require a young woman to have to testify at a deposition or in open court. This was managed so poorly and so inhumanely that it cannot do anything but speak to the defective compass of Alicia Roy. I have witnessed few things in life more powerful than when this girls parents spoke before the BOE> Want to know more — Google Licht, New Fairfield, Lawsuit. https://www.newstimes.com/local/article/Harassment-lawsuit-can-go-forward-6856504.php

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