Region One Board of Education Meeting April 2 1

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At this meeting, the chair did not even know Roberts Rules! “You can not withdraw a motion after it has been made” bellowed the chair…. pandemonium ensued, the book was read, and guess what…….YOU CAN!  As Homer Simpson would say…. D’oh!!!!Image

One comment

  1. Odd! That’s the third time recently that the chairman told someone not to do something that he himself has done recently:
    1) At the special meeting of March 28, when Ed Epstein took Phil to task for telling board members during the regular March meeting to vote against my motion to add “Board Initiatives” to the agenda at the March meeting, Phil told Ed, “I hope there’s no personal attacks@” That was a month after he and the superintendent and her “friends” on the Region 1 and local boards staged a coordinated public kangaroo court in which I was personally attacked for an hour and a half.
    2) Later in the same meeting, the chairman said to me, “You wouldn’t tell people to vote against the budget, would you?” My response was, “No, Phil, I wouldn’t do what you did at our last meeting.”
    3) Now he’s saying, “You can’t withdraw a motion after it’s made” — but that’s exactly what he asked me to do at the regular March meeting! When I made a motion to accept the recommendation of the 21st Century committee to name the sci-tech center after Jack Mahoney and the Hewats and the superintendent objected, Phil asked me to withdraw my motion! .

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