Patricia Cham­berlain flip-flops more than a fish our of water, she endorses and pushes for the administration of Region One to get NEW three year contracts one year into their current three year contract. BUT (time for her flip-flop) she is all for “HONORING CONTRACTS” that are only proposed contracts. Reply

Patricia Cham­berlain flip-flops more than a fish our of water, on one hand she endorsed and pushes for the administration of Region One to get NEW three-year contracts one year into their current three-year contract. BUT (time for her flip-flop) she is all for “HONORING CONTRACTS” that are only proposed contracts. If this were not real life, it would be funny. Watch the attached video and hear and watch Patricia Cham­berlain say what WE HAVE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG…Region One Administrators…HONOR YOUR CURRENT THREE YEAR CONTRACTS.

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