The email on Matt Harnett’s resignation Mr. Moore did not send to Region One Report….(and his resignation letter) Let The Blame Placing Begin 2



Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 2:59:00 PM
Subject: Principal Resignation

Hi All,

As I am sure you know, Matt Harnett is resigning his position. While disappointed, we all wish him the best of luck; but, we need to move forward. Because Matt’s departure is not a surprise, the Superintendent has been developing a transition plan. Currently, the plan is for Ian Strever to be the interim principal, which he has agreed to do. The principal position will be posted immediately over September and October. If there is a good pool of applicants, a search committee will be formed in November to interview the candidates. The finalists will then be presented to the new board in December.

On Monday night, we will set a date and time for a special meeting later in the week so that the board can discuss this plan and ratify it.

The attachment to this email is Matt’s official resignation. The delay in this email is due to me being on vacation and Matt being at a state-required workshop. We were able to finally talk Friday evening.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 203-885-5775 or email me at

Best regards,

Jonathan Moore

Kent Representative
Region One BOE