REBECCA HURLBURT just plain misstates the truth in this second email 3

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 8:18 PM
Subject: One last word . . .

The polls will be open tomorrow, Thursday, from 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm, at the Cornwall Town Hall.

I received over 20 emails in response to my Tuesday email and I appreciate that communication. That has provoked me to give you one more thing to consider . . .

I realize that this is the Region One budget which naturally refers to HVRHS, but if the contention continues to be over the assessment of the Central Office then more of you MUST consider the fact that Patricia Chamberlain, Diane Goncalves & Sam Herrick are employed by SEVEN schools and Boards of Education!!! SIX of those seven schools make no complaints in regard to the Central Office’s job performances. The HVRHS Region One Board and budget are the ONLY newsworthy and negative situation. I do not think this is a coincidence. I think that there are persistent contributors to the issues that are troubling our high school!

SIX out of SEVEN of our public schools in Region One are totally satisfied with the accomplishments and support of the Central Office. Six out of seven — please think about this!

Thanks, Becky Hurlburt

Now on this statement…SIX of those seven schools make no complaints in regard to the Central Office’s job performances. The HVRHS Region One Board and budget are the ONLY newsworthy and negative situation….

Becky! What about all the failing grades, what about the smack down of Matt Harnett for his outright FALSE statements about Housatonic as compared to Hotchkiss and Kent, what about the law suit against the superintendent????? Just to name a few items, all these not created by the media, but by the people themselves.

And on this statement….
SIX out of SEVEN of our public schools in Region One are totally satisfied with the accomplishments and support of the Central Office. Six out of seven — please think about this!

This is a total lie, the schools Becky include more than BOE members, and administrators…if you would take the time to talk to students, TEACHERS, non-certified staff, and the public, you would find out how far out-of-step with reality you are. Six out of seven schools are not totally satisfied, that statement is a total fabrication.

This email was a “scare tactic” sent out the day before a vote in an attempt to sway the vote with mis-information. In politics, its called dis-information…and it worked in Cornwall, but, thank God, not the rest of the region


  1. Just to show you haw far off base Rebecca Hurlburt is…here is a response sent to her from a resident of Region One…

    Hi Becky. It’s good your communicating with the town. I don’t know if
    > you have received emails and/or calls from teachers and staff who work in
    > Region One, but I can tell you, a good many teachers are not happy with
    > Central Office. I can’t say how many feel that way, but I know many
    > teachers in a few of the schools who are not pleased with Patricia or Diane
    > (everyone seems to be pleased with Sam). And they have no confidence in the
    > school board, with the leadership of Phil Hart or Jonathan Moore. Teachers
    > are tired of the negative news coming from this district, the lack of
    > leadership in Central Office, the perception of a self-serving
    > administration, and what is referred to as the same old BS from the board.
    > I know teachers aren’t keen about speaking out, but trust me, they are
    > talking and your claim of Six out of Seven schools being totally satisfied
    > with the accomplishments and support of Central Office is simply not true.
    > Some of the questions teachers have are how can Patricia remain the
    > superintendent, how long will she last, how long will these issue continue
    > and what is coming next? Maybe things are fine at Cornwall. I haven’t
    > talked with anyone from there so I can’t say. But I’m betting it’s not as
    > happy there you think. I think an independent party should come in to
    > survey teachers and parents to determine the true state of Region One.
    > I guess we’ll see how the voters think tomorrow.
    > Thank you for communications.

  2. To all these e-mails it just goes to show that all the fools just do not get it and now are desperate

  3. Now send an e-mail to all the voters about the law suit and detail who paying for what. Or are they only transparent when it suits their purposes?

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